2013 Beach Lacrosse

2013 Beach Lacrosse
Check out the Photos on our Website.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Working on Photos !

So how is your summer going? We are working on photos of the North American Sand Soccer Championships that were held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We will be posting hundreds of more photos in the gallery on our website www.forgotthecamera.com We also have been working on our photo storage and 'found' over 9,000 photos of the 2010 Steel Pier Classic Surfing event that we never posted, so we are going to go back and start posting more of those photos. We had over 610,000 hits on our website last year, so visit our site and lets see if we can get to 900,000 this year ! Check out these photos from the North American Sand Soccer Championships

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sand Wrestling !

We attended the 2011 Virginia Beach Sand Wrestling, Sand Lacrosse and Sand Soccer Championships on Saturday, June 11th We have several hundred photos of the events and a few short videos on our website, check them all out at: http://www.forgotthecamera.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Back from vacation !

I will begin uploading photos to our site again now that I have rested up for a week ! We will be working on the Pungo Strawberry Festival pictures and , if it does not rain too much this weekend, we will be posting photos of the North American Sand Soccer Championships by early next week. We have been testing out a small video camera, the Kodak Play Sport. A 1080p HD palm sized video camera. It has been doing a pretty good job for such a small camera. Check out the Pungo Strawberry Festival photos for a couple of videos that were taken with the camera.