2013 Beach Lacrosse

2013 Beach Lacrosse
Check out the Photos on our Website.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Newest Gallery ! East Coast Surfing Championships


Well, we made it through Hurricane Irene and to our amazement, the East Coast Surfing Championships were held on Sunday morning after the storm went by. We did not get as many photos as we usually do, but we had a good time. We will be posting photos over the next week.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Well, Hurricane Irene has put a stop to the ECSC this weekend, maybe next year the weather will be better ! The next event will be The NAS Oceana Air Show on September 23rd to the 25th. The rain bands from Hurricane Irene is now approaching Virginia Beach and the winds will be getting stronger through tomorrow. We will post some pictures if we are able.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's going on ?

Wow, what a day it was. There is a fire in the Great Dismal Swamp, a 5.9 earthquake today that shook pretty good and a Hurricane suppose to be here on Saturday. We are going to try to take pictures this weekend of the East Coast Surfing Championships, but that may not happen if Hurricane Irene continues on it's projected path. Only time will tell !

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Great Job !

I want to Say Good Job to my Godson and his 3rd Place Finish in the 3rd Annual Lego Contest. I am proud of you !

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I wanted to let everyone know about Adorama. I have purchased several electronics from Adorama, they have Great prices and I always get the items I have ordered in a timely manner. Check them out, you will not be disappointed !

Monday, August 8, 2011

When we take pictures, the Canon cameras we use take SDHC Memory cards. Everyone knows the cards come in different sizes, from 2GB up to 32GB, but many people do not realize that the cards write pictures at different speeds.
When you look at a SDHC card there is a number in a circle located on the front of the card which lets you know what class the card writes at. The classes run from 2 to 10. 2 being the slowest class and 10 being the Fastest. We take many photos during an event and find that we need class 10 cards to keep up with the speed at which we take photos. The Card which performed the best for us during the Military Challenge event was a Transcend 16GB Class 10 card. The camera did not freeze up or slow down using the card, and the transcend cards are being sold at a great price. Check them out and always check the Class of the card when buying your next memory card.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Photography Tips

When we started taking pictures, we just picked up the camera and made a ton of mistakes. We had a heck of a time trying to figure out the shutter speed to use, the F stop, the ISO Settings and on and on. We have now taken over 90,000 photos and are starting to figure things out, the most important thing is to just take pictures and have fun at it. It was much harder in the 'older' days when you had film cameras and had to pay for all the mistakes that you make. Today with the digital cameras it is much cheaper to experiment with the settings, mess up and start over. The messed up photos are pretty interesting sometimes ! If you are just starting out have fun, if you want to learn tips and tricks for better photos, check out books and a training course from a photography school or even from a book at the book store. Check out the photography secrets by clicking the link below.

Click Here!
Someone has asked us if we have ever taken photos of a UFO. Well I have to say, No ! Maybe one day we will find something interesting to take a picture of in the sky, but not as of right now. Do you have any photos of UFO's that you have taken? Let us know and share it with us.

What numbers are important to you?

Have you ever checked out what numbers have to do with your life and happiness? Check out Numerology and find out your important numbers.
I checked and found that it is pretty interesting and it makes you think about what you do and how to do things !

Click Here!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We attended the 2011 Military Challenge last Saturday and have been working on photos from that event since then. We have almost 3,000 photos on our website and more to come ! The next event will be the Norfolk Duct Tape Regatta on the 20th of August.